Police report increased violence against officers

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Police report increased violence against officers
Fred Enanga

Police have reported an increase in acts of obstruction and violent attacks on its officers, which has forced it to close some of its posts upcountry.

According to the law enforcement agency, acts of impunity and lawlessness from the public have also left many police officers hospitalised.

Addressing the press, police spokesperson Fred Enanga outlined attacks on police posts, resisting arrest, mob justice against police officers among the acts of impunity by the public.

Out of the numerous incidents, police has arrested 8 suspects for attempted murder of a policeman and the Parish Intelligence Officer.

Recently, in Kamuli district, policemen identified as Godfrey Obongi and Mulani Ngobi reportedly checked of Wagawaga police post on.

Police motorcycle number UP 6186 to go and check on a child at Bugade Health Centre III but on their way back ran out of fuel.

It is said that they pushed the motorcycle to the residence of Peter Mukalakasa the LC I chairman of Busobya village for safe custody since it was at night.

"The following day when Mulani Ngobi went to pick the motorcycle, he found when the chairman had mobilized a mob alleging that he had stolen the motorcycle without doing due deligence ," Enanga said.

When Godfrey Obongi and Charles Mudiro the PISO responded to rescue Ngobi, the irrate mob turned against them and beat them.

However, the police managed to rescue the trio and arrested eight suspects who are currently facing charges of attempted murder awaiting court appearance.

In Paidha District, Police are guarding a violent suspect who sustained a bullet wound while trying to disarm a police officer to aid escape of his colleague.

Reports indicate that the suspect only identified as Derrick organised a gang of goons who invaded the police station and staged a fight with armed police officers.

During the scuffle, Enanga said that the ring leader was subdued by a bullet short in the left thigh. Both the suspect and injured police officers are also undergoing treatment.

Relatedly, in Kole District the police has been forced to close one of its police post after an attack from the public.

Residents of Parabok village attacked a police post where a suspected phone thieves were detained. It is said that the suspects refused to enter the cells and staged a fight with police officers.

"In the process they assaulted and injured police officers," said Enanga

The police shot warning bullets in the air but unfortunately a stray bullet fataly wounded a 53 year old man identified as Stephen Obua.

Police has since closed the police post in this village.

Meanwhile, in Otuke District, detectives are hunting for a one Ochan who is a former convict for stabbing a police officer called Alfred Awuye.

The suspect stabbed the officer twice with a spear with an intention to steal his gun but the officer put up a strong fight and saved the gun.

Enanga has urged the public to cooperate with the law enforcement agency instead of attacking them.

"For now we have decided to close our police post in Kole over such acts of impunity. As the police we are there to promote the law and not to be fought. You can not bring a suspect to police and dictate how he or she should be treated ," Enanga said

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